the crow
I travelled across state lines
to collect lavender
for a woman
I knocked on her door
kissed the insides of her wrists
and stepped inside
she shook her head
and coughed up a crow
that guffawed at my efforts
and made a mess of my hair
it thrashed about the foyer
sending me tumbling backwards
onto the stoop
she locked the door
the stars appeared one by one
like allies
I watched
from the ground
through the windows
while she hunted the crow
scolding it for revealing itself
I watched
my love
forget me first
then the crow
then the dark
and use my lavender to make her tea
and crawl into bed
until sleep enveloped her, unlocking her jaw
and the crow crept back into
my love’s gaping mouth
without a sound
[by Sarah E. // published in the Dime Show Review January 2020]